Constant light bandpessue cooke function chaacteistics:
Optimization bingstogethe the advantages of the pessue cooke, cooke, electic ice cooke,like at an oganic whole, and made up fo the inadequacy of the pan. Advancedstuctue, modelling is novel, with a safe and eliable, convenient opeation,time saving, save electicity, nutitional cooking and othe chaacteistics,is a moden family ideal cooke.
1, fashion tends, thebeauty is geneous.
2, a pot ofmulti-pupose, can opeate: cook, fish, meat, cooking poidge and soup,tendon/beans.
3, USES the highvoltage (hv) cooking, make food cooked quickly unde high tempeatue and highpessue and time saving.
4, cooking than 15%electic ice cooke to save time, powe saving 15% and can also be cooked icein plateau aea.
5, fully sealedcooking, food nutition high suvival ate, authentic, soft and tasty.
6, anhydous stewedchicken, authentic.
7, with 110 ℃ ~ 115 ℃ high tempeatuecooking well, cetain steilization effect on food, health cae health.
8, the pot body USESthe food gade 304 stainless steel, beautiful, duable, 9, 1600 tons of endetechnology on bottom of the pot, duable, heat evenly, electomagnetism funaceflame ae available.
10, safetyexplosion-poof, USES the six secuity system.